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    • This week we have IAD interrogations on Wed the 23rd.

      We have a fundraiser for Councilman Joel Feroleto tonight. Wed for DA Mike Keane. Thursday for Assemblyman Dave DiPietro. Also, this Thurs is the Erin Murphy Foundation fundraiser. 6-9 pm at the Irish Center on Abbott. $25 per ticket, cash bar.


      Thank you, Mayor Brown for your dedication to the City of Buffalo for the past 19 years and best of luck going forward!!

      Congrats to Councilman Chris Scanlon who is taking over as the Mayor!

      We have IAD interrogations on Thurs the 17th.

      Keeping Craig Lehner in our prayers.

      Nominations for Treasurer and President were conducted at last nights PBA meeting. LT Rob Danner and PO Joe Stojek are running for Treasurer. John Davidson ran unopposed for President. Congrats and good luck to John and to the eventual winner of the Treasurer race!!

      The PBA PAC has endorsed the following:

      EC DA: Mike Keane

      EC Family Court Judge: Kara Buscaglia

      NYS Assembly: Pat Chludzinski,Marc Priore, Karen McMahon

      NYS Senate: Jack Morretti, Pat Gallivan


      We came to an MOA with the city when the OT wasn't being distributed correctly in IAD. Our LT was paid 85k as a settlement. Not a month later, the city, at the insistence of the commissioner, reverted to the same non-seniority practice. We again filed a grievance on behalf of the same LT. We went to full arbitration. Arbitrator Rinaldo, who is not intimidated by said commissioner, just issued his award which compensates the same LT with $59,160.00 .

      We have the PCNY convention on Monday and Tues. Have IAD interrogations on Wed and Thurs. Thurs eve is the General Membership mtg, 1900 hours. Bison City R/G Club.

      Remembering those slaughtered in Israel on this one-year anniversary. Praying for peace and the release of the hostages.


      We've got fundraisers for DA Keane and Sheriff Garcia this week. We've got interrogations on Tues and Thurs. The Board of Directors mtg is this Thurs as well.


      Congrats to Homicide Det Mary Evans on her retirement.

      Prayers to the Oswego County Sheriffs. Deputy Campbell was killed when she was responding to a call at about 0700 this morning. RIP

      We have IAD interrogations on Wed and Thurs, on Friday the PAC interviews.

      The PBA office is closing at 1400 hours today, Monday 9/23.


      Yet another murder in the city. This one on the West Side....

      Our very own retiree, Lackawanna City Court Judge Ken Szyszkowski, is running for Supreme Court. Good to see. We need law-enforcement minded people in key positions in Govt.

      Hey FBI, why would the City's IOD Health care facilitator, Occupational Health, call an injured officer's personal surgeon and try to con them into putting a light duty tag on said officer?  Especially when the injured officer already has surgery scheduled.

      AG's office is interrogating one of our members today...

      One thing this commissioner is great at......crushing morale. The best !!

      Common Council President Chris Scanlon expressed his gratitude for the PBA's support!!

      Another shooting, this time at a kids' football game. Why isn't this commissioner doing anything???

      Monday we have IOD hearings.

      Praying for the Trooper who was badly injured.


      Remembering the fallen from 9-11

      Students aren't safe. This commissioner says the security measures were successful. Apparently he is ok with a student getting stabbed inside a city school....????


      Thank you, Joe Wendel, John Davidson, Brianna and Tracy, the PBA golf tournament was a great time!! 

      2 more murders on Friday night... A new approach is badly needed!

      Happy B-day DB!!

      Congrats to PO Mike Eason on his retirement!! Detective Sean Buth as well !!


      RIP retired LT Mike Quinn. Sad, too young great guy.

      Thank you to Joe Wendel, John Davidson, Brianna, Tracy, Bobby Joyce, Kathy Kumro, the Clam guys, and the Gun Club staff. They all did a great job ensuring we had plenty to eat and drink!! Great time!!

      This week we have the Board of Directors on Monday. On Tues and Wed we are in Albany for PCNY. On Thursday we have the General Membership mtg, Bison City, 1300 hours.

      Be careful working. The city streets are treacherous! 


      The Honorable State Supreme Court Judge Amy Martoche ruled to vacate arbitrator Jeffery M Selchicks decision to terminate Officer Kevin Murphy's career. The way we see it, he was wrongfully dropped from the rolls effective 2359 October 13th 2023.

      When a Supreme Court judge rules to vacate an arbitrator's award, it indicates that there was a significant legal issue with the arbitration process or the arbitrator's decision.

      We've got IAD interrogations on Tues and Wed. Thursday eve is Det Erin McCarthy's retirement party.


      Not a chance I would ever support Sean Ryan for mayor.  He was with India Walton vs the mayor in the last election. Her platform was defeated handily, as were many of her would be cabinet in the last round of Common Council elections. Zero chance....

      As expected, the officers involved in the Reed St incident did things in textbook fashion. We look forward to their return to work....

      Another serious shooting put a man in critical condition. The city streets are treacherous.


      We have the Board of Directors mtg today at 1300 hrs. The General membership meeting is Thurs at Charlies Boat Yard, 1900 hours.

      GENERAL ELECTION - Country wide:
      Election Law §5-210, 5-211, 5-212
      Oct 26 Last day application must be received by board of
      elections to be eligible to vote in general election.

      We implore all our members to register and vote !!!


      Sat afternoon, another daylight shooting....followed by a city wide pursuit. I don't know I recall a more violent time in my career. Something has to change !!

      Yet another murder on the streets of Bflo. Again, in broad daylight. BPD don't "trust the process". Time for a change....

      Article 35 is still recognized!!! Thank you to the jurors that saw through this charade !! The BPD is getting back a fantastic officer/person !! Being as short-staffed as we are, we expect the Commissioner will put him back to work in short order. He has certainly suffered enough!!! Thank you to Atty's Rod Personius along with Joe Guarra and Scott Hapeman from Personius/Melber firm, great job !!

      Congratulations to Det Sgt Steve Turner who has retired !! We wish him well !!

      Yet another murder on the streets of Buffalo. In broad daylight no less. I don't think the plan is working....


      NAPO endorsed Donald J Trump for President.

      I saw a story regarding the area Towns and Villages having difficulty recruiting applicants for the police job. Is anyone surprised? The job has been vilified for several years. While I absolutely can not recommend anyone take the BPD job while Gramaglia is employed, the job of a police officer can be a rewarding, honorable career. Heroic actions by police officers occur on a daily basis.

      AMR has to provide more ambulances dedicated to serving the city of Buffalo.

      We had yet another very violent weekend in our city; murders/shootings..... This department badly needs a new approach, new ideas, the current makeup is clearly not effective... 

      We have IAD interrogations on Thursday.

      I was out of town this weekend but was told the Softball Tny to benefit Roswells kids with cancer was a success! Great cause!! Thanks to all that supported the event !!


      Am being told the Perf  Att  incentive checks will be distributed in our next, 8–1, paychecks.

      The officers that responded to the Golden Nugget did a tremendous job!!

      Let's hope the weather for Wed holds out. (Darien Lake)

      We've got IAD interrogations scheduled for Tues, Wed and Thurs. Thurs we have informal disciplinary hearings.

      Thankfully, the assassination attempt failed. Sadly, the errant round killed a father of 2.


      Divide and Conquer....ever hear of that tactic???

      Thankfully, the officers and child were not badly injured. What possessed the individual to act in the manner he did, putting lives in danger, makes no sense. You won't go to prison for having an illegally possessed handgun. Again, the officers displayed bravery and immense composure, as well, miraculously escaped serious injury. 


      Regrettably, we have to postpone/reschedule Darien Lake Day for a week. Weather is the reason. The forecasts were all perilous.

      We have Board of Directors mtg today. Darien Lake on Wed, and on Thurs the General Membership mtg. Tues eve there is a fundraiser for Council President Chris Scanlon, on Wed there is an event for Sheriff John Garcia.

      The streets are getting increasingly violent. Work with caution. Maybe a change in direction would help alleviate this violence.....


      Through some statewide networking, we've learned to appreciate the fact we don't have a Sheriff like the clown in Onondaga County.(Tobias Shelley) He is hyper sensitive to any social media criticism, as well expects people to salute him when addressing him !!! What a DB!!!

      When you are wrong, be wrong with authority!!! Lesson learned from our fearful leader!!!

      Darien Lake tix sales end tomorrow, July 3rd.

      We have disciplinary informals on Tues the 2nd.


      The PBA office will be open July 1/2/3, and then close on the 4th and 5th. Have a safe holiday week.

      Congrats to Homicide Det Erin McCarthy who has retired. Wishing her a long, healthy retirement !!


      There are IAD interrogations on Thurs the 20th. On Fri there are informal disciplinary hearings.

      We've got a fundraiser for legislator Tim Meyers on Thurs. Next Tues the 25th there is a campaign fundraiser for DA Mike Keane from 5-7 at the former "Hatch" now called "Events @ Harbor Walk".

      The office will be closed on 06-19 for the Juneteenth holiday.


      Had the pleasure of meeting retiree Capt. Jim Cudney. Great guy with a great deal of knowledge/history of the PBA!!

      We've got IAD interrogations on Wed. Wed eve there is a fundraiser for NYS Assembly candidate Pat Chludzinski, on Thurs one for Sheriff Garcia.

      Congratulations to the new recruits that made it through the Police Academy. Now get through probation...

      On Friday, we had grievance arbitration regarding OT not going to the senior person. Arbitrator Rinaldo understood the issue, we expect a decision around Sept.


      Remembering all those lives lost on D-Day.

      Sadly, there are multiple sources reporting that retired Capt Marcia Scott passed away. Great girl, may she rest in peace.

      Wed the 5th we have IAD interrogations. On Thurs the monthly PBA meeting is being held at Charlies Boat Yard, 1900 hrs. Friday we have arbitration over OT not being offered by seniority.


      Memorial Day weekend - Please remember those military personnel that made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live freely in the greatest nation on earth!!

      Very nice show of support for DA Keane last night. Councilman Scanlon and Legislator Gilmour put together a very nice event!

      On Tues evening there is a PBA sponsored party for DA Mike Keane. 5:00-7:00pm at the Riverfield. $50 per person. We have IAD interrogations on Wed/Thurs/Fri. On Thursday we also have informals.


      Sadly, retired Det/Sgt Jeremiah Hassett passed away.

      Great job done by LT Chris Mordino, Capt Palizay, and LT Rob Mercurio for putting together the Blue Mass this morning. A very nice tribute to the area's fallen officers. May they rest in peace.

      Can't thank everyone enough that made the PBA Awards Ball another great night! Brianna Gilhooly, Tracy Devine, Joe Wendel, Jimmy Sherer, John Davidson, Bobby Joyce, Pete Nigrelli, all put in a great deal of effort to make the evening a success. Thank you to the Honorable Judge Ken Szyszkowski, our Honor Guard, and the FF Pipes and Drums as well!!  Tina made a guest appearance!! Congrats to all the award winners and thanks to all that attended!!


      The PBA lost a great friend. Restaurant owner Tommy Cowan passed away.

      Please keep retiree Jeremiah Hassett in your prayers.

      Monday we have the BOD mtg. Tues informals. Thurs is the General Membership mtg at Bison City, Thurs at 1300. There are IAD interrogations as well on Thurs. The PBA Office is closed this Fri for our Awards ball.


      After looking at the City's finances, there is no way they can't raise taxes. All those years with no increase has put them in a precarious situation.

      Praying for all those affected in Charlotte, North Carolina.

      Tues and Wed we have IAD interrogations.


      On Mon/Wed and Fri this week we have IAD interrogations. Tues, PAC interviews, and Thurs IOD Hearings....


      We've got IAD interrogations and Step 3 grievances on Tues. More interrogations on Thurs.

      Terrible news out of Syracuse/Onondaga County. Prayers to all the Coppers/Deputies and their families.

      We went to Albany for the PCNY mtg. They continue to work on retirement tier equity. (never ending effort). They are currently looking at several bills that will affect us. They are watching the NYS budget as well.


      Everyone has to complete and send back the HEALTH CARE OPEN ENROLLMENT form!!! Deadline APRIL 30th!!!

      Happy Dyngus Day!

      Monday the 1st we have the BOD mtg. Wed we have IAD interrogations. Thursdays General Membership mtg is at Doc Sullivans, 1900 hours.


      Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!!

      The city has indicated the back pay from the contract should be in the next check. Sadly, because of this suspension happy commissioner, there is a need to put some money aside to weather any nonsense charges this guy levies upon you. 

      We continue to search out arbitrators. We need individuals that will simply make decisions based on the facts/testimony of a case. Nothing more, nothing less. We do not need anyone that makes a decision based on "optics". 


      RIP NYPD officer Diller.

      We've got Step 3's today. On Wed and Thurs we have IAD interrogations. The PBA office is closed for Good Friday.


      I was in Albany for PCNY. There was a seminar on artificial intelligence and it's potential effect on law enforcement. Its abilities are endless. While utilized correctly, AI could be a huge asset to LE, though the ACLU should be aware of its potential intrusions.

      RIP retiree Jimmy Hacker.

      The PBA office will be closing this Fri the 15th at 1200 hrs.


      Condolences to the NYSP and Genesee County Sheriffs, who both lost active members. May they rest in peace.

      Congrats to all that were promoted today. LT's Schultz, Meegan, Sergeant Olmstead, and Detectives Giarrano, Overdorf, Hinterberger, Creahan, Mulhern and Siracuse!!!

      Praying for retiree Jimmy Hacker....

      Due to arbitrator Jeffery M Selchicks arbitration decision, Buffalo Police Officers can NOT plan a vacation or any other activity on their regularly scheduled days off without being brought up on departmental charges for not coming to work when/if ordered in.

      On March 4th 2024, we received letters from the commissioner terminating both the Grievance Triage  and Discipline Triage Agreements.


      A year ago today Buffalo Firefighter Jason Arno paid the ultimate price in the Line Of Duty. Please keep he and his family in your thoughts and prayers as well as all our Brothers and Sisters in the Fire Department.

      March 1, 2024

      A message from the Executive Board:

      We just wanted to take this opportunity to say "Thank You" and let you know that you are appreciated, valued, and respected more than you may realize. You have far and away one of the most difficult, misunderstood, criticized, and intensely scrutinized jobs one could ever hold. All in the name of service to the community.

      Drown out the outside noise and focus on what is truly important - each other. Go out there and do your jobs to the best of your abilities. Stand strong and proud as what you do each and every day matters more than people are willing to understand. 

      Have each other's back, as we have yours. Be safe.

      Your Union.


      The Comptrollers' office is now indicating the retro back pay will be distributed by the April 11th paycheck.(2024).

      There is a K-9 fundraiser at Harborcenter this Fri the 23rd at 18:00 hours. The BPD hockey team is playing against BFD for the 3rd consecutive year. There is a $15 donation, tix at the door.

      Please keep fallen BFD FF Donny Herbert who passed on this day in 2006, in your prayers.

      We have informal disciplinaries on Thurs/22nd.


      Congrats to PO Bohdan Papisz on his retirement !!! Great run !!!

      Heading to Albany for PCNY this week. We have IAD interrogations on Fri.


      We have BOD mtg today. General Membership on Thurs. IAD interrogations on Friday.


      RIP retiree Mike Schuta!!

      Was happy to see DA Flynn prosecute Treviaco D Calhoun for lying to IAD. He made a false claim against some BPD officers. The BWC demonstrated he was not being truthful. Put him away for a year for that and another crime.....not bad........ More to follow.....

      The Feb 8th PBA General Membership mtg is at 7:00pm at Doc Sullivans.

      Congrats to E Dist Chief Todd McAlister!! Solid guy!!

      To avoid a "perjury trap", if you submit a P-73 or 710.30 during an arrest, state in the body of your document, "refer to BWC footage" with the approx date and time of the incident, vs putting in quotations what you remember being stated from a defendant/suspect.

      Rec Sec LT Megan Sullivan and I attended the Blitman and King labor seminar. It was very well organized, informative event.


      Great to see Trump win the New Hampshire primary!! This country needs him!!!!

      We have Step 3's on Wed. We have informals on Thursday.

      We have IAD interrogations on Mon/Thurs/Fri.

      The new recruits are being sworn in today. I saw a list of 36....

      FYI- If you take a personal leave of absence, your time will be adjusted, as well, you will lose Health Care coverage. A medical leave maintains your seniority and health care coverage.


      The office is closed on Monday for the MLK Holiday. Will be at the Common Council Chambers on Tuesday for their vote on our Tentative Contract. 


      We want to welcome 1st VP Capt Robert Joyce and Lt Megan Sullivan as the new Recording Secretary. Also, LT Rob Danner to the Board of Directors. 

      We have the Board of Directors mtg on Tues the 2nd then the General Membership mtg on Thurs the 4th, Bison City, 1300 hours.

      Would like to recognize the BPD Honor Guard. They do a great job!!

      Happy New Year!!


      Nice to see South Dist Councilman Chris Scanlon become the President of the Common Council. Let's hope for better days ahead !!

      Congrats to Homicide Det Tony LaPiana on his retirement !! We wish him well !! Also, Capt Carmen Menza, LT Pat Morrow and Det John Paradowski !!! 

      We'll be using the PBA General Membership mtg on Jan 4th , 1300 hours at the Bison City R/G Club to answer any questions regarding the tentative contract.

      RIP Steve...

      We've got contract triage Tues and Discipline and IOD's on Wed.

      We are waiting for the "Mediators Findings"..... when we get them we will put them out.


      Keeping Erin in our thoughts and prayers.....

      ***If you are IOD, you are permitted to carry over 80 hours of vacation time. Submit a P-73 to the Commissioner. The window for submitting requests begins at 12-15-2023. You will get a letter if you are denied. If you don't get a denial letter, presume it has been approved.

      Thank you, Joe and Jimmy for putting the Christmas party together. Had a great time! The food/company was tremendous!! Kathy Kumro did a great job catering. Many thanks to everyone!!

      Remembering Pearl Harbor Day!!

      We had the PBA Board of Directors mtg on Monday. The General Membership mtg is today, 12/7 at Bison City - 1730hrs.

      We have a litany of IAD interrogations on Thurs the 7th.


      This Wed and Thursday we have IAD interrogations.


      On behalf of the PBA Exec Board we want to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! Be thankful for everything we have. The PBA office will open at 0800 on Monday the 27th. As always, call with anything pressing. 


      A PBA member pointed out the WIVB piece on the re-creation of the Buffalo Police Foundation and how  it is hoping to help the department equip the BPD. This department needs police cars. Badly!!! This is no secret.  Basic necessities. Ice scrapers, shovels. Vehicles with heat and A/C. We really need 4-wheel drive vehicles. I strongly disagree with the Commissioners' opinion that the needs of the department are met.  With deceptive statements like that, it is no wonder nobody trusts him.


      Because people litter Pepsi products, sue Pepsi.... Tish James should hope I'm not on that jury. Tim Hortons should take notice.....

      I don't blame anyone that doesn't take this job, not in the least. This admin, aided by the city Corp counsel, is attempting to reverse a practice that has been in place for 30 years regarding detailing officers. Can't make it up. 

      With 2024 comes a new PBA Executive Board. Capt Robert Joyce Jr will be the 1st VP and LT Megan Sullivan will be the new Recording Secretary. Congrats to both of them! I would like to thank Capt Melinda Jones and LT Garrett Oneill for their years of dedicated service. 

      Busy week ahead. Meeting with the 100 Club on Monday. Tues and Wed we have contract and IOD arbitration. Also, on Tuesday we have a contract mediation session. On Thursday there are IAD interrogations. Thursday evening I'll be attending a fundraiser for Congressional representative Nick Langworthy. On Friday night at Bison City there is a send off for PO Mike Ross. 6pm til ? Saturday is the Opening Day of shotgun season.

      The 100 Club of Buffalo donated funds to the URT team to acquire an Aqua Eye. It it an imaging tool that will assist in locating bodies in water of any clarity level. It will save many man hours as well assist in the overall safety of the divers. Thank you John Cleary and the 100 Club of Buffalo for this very generous and much needed gift !!


      Casilio did well against the incumbent. Approx 80k votes to his 115k.  It's surprising people would vote for the open border, anti-cop/law enforcement position he takes. As well, the way he took such pleasure needlessly destroying businesses during the covid days. Doesn't make any sense but here we are....Was nice to see the remaining India Walton-backed candidates get demolished in the Council races. 

      A great deal of Monday's Board of Directors meeting discussed the lack of confidence in the commissioners' ability to lead this department. It will again be brought up at Thursday's General Membership mtg. 

      We have Board of Directors mtg this Monday. On Tuesday, Police HQ is closed, as is the PBA office. Don't forget to vote. Meeting with Corp Counsel on Wed. On Thursday we have the General Membership mtg at 1300 hrs. On Friday we have the PBA Executive Board elections for 1st VP and Recording Secretary. It is being held at Bison City R/G Club from 10am til 10pm. Cya there!!


      Want to thank Congressman Nick Langworthy who recognized Assistant URT Commander AJ Ortiz. AJ rescued 3 elderly people that had driven into a pond. Off duty heroics!!

      And the Academy award winner is......

      Congrats to all those promoted !! LT Maurice Foster, Det Sgt Nightengale-Griffin, Det's John Britzzalaro, Derek Brennan, Elaina Perez, Michael Forero, Brian Nagy, Finesse Mitchell, Robert States, Nicholas Kalczynski and Thomas Olejniczak.

      How bout this one.....Officers at A Dist aren't using the mens room. Opting to go outside rather than expose themselves to the disgusting leaking plumbing that the city refuses to repair. Not making it up....

      Snow plow contractors are using all wheel drive Dodge Chargers to move snow......NOT

      Was asked by news reporter Maki Becker about the improvements or changes that have been brought by the dept in the event of a snow storm. I said the response has been pathetic. All wheel drive vehicles don't cut it. Useless in any measurable amount of snow. We experienced that. We learned nothing. Our members will use their own vehicles like they did last storm. Stacking dead bodies in the back of their own pick-up trucks. Expect nothing from this commissioner and you won't be disappointed. 

      We had 18 disciplinary informals yesterday. All were internally driven. None involved complaints from citizens. NONE. I have never seen a commissioner act in such an abusive way towards the working coppers of this department. I've only been around 22 years though. SMH.

      Congrats to the newly elected Command Officer Delegates. Capt Jeremy Connolly, LT's Rob Danner and Rich Manley, Pete Nigrelli are the newly elected delegates. Thank you to everyone that participated.

      Just a heads up to anyone thinking of becoming a Bflo Cop, it is the  commissioner's belief that you do not have and are not entitled to any days off. You read that right. They believe, regardless of the situation, if they call you and order you to work, you have to come in. Yes, even if you are overseas on your honeymoon. They say "obey and grieve". So you are expected to fly home from wherever to work a detail. Then file a grievance.  I wish I was making this up but I am not. They treat this as though they own you for 20 years. 

      On this day, 21 years ago PO James Shields sacrificed his life in the line of duty. We thank you Jimmy, may you rest in peace.

      Monday we have Step 3 grievances. Tuesday informal disciplinaries. Wed and Thurs have IAD interrogations.

      Early Voting has begun for Erie County residents.....


      Terrible to hear about the 190 Sewer Authority murder. Prayers to him, his coworkers and family.

      Hopefully the Maine shooter kills himself. Another psychopath.

      Sometimes you hear things and you just don't believe it. If anyone was being told they have to sign in or out when coming and going to work, call me, or the office asap.

      We attended the Western NY Police Conference meeting on Tues evening. Had constructive discussions regarding what is going on in the local agencies. I conveyed our concerns over the recent spike in IAD cases generated by our own department, NOT from arrestees or citizens. Change is badly needed!!!

      NYS Senator Gallivan and Assemblyman Conrad expressed their thanks for the PBA's support.

      Great arrest. Now let's see what we can find on your body cam to screw you over.....

      We have contract/discipline/IOD triage scheduled for Mon/Tues/Wed. Of the 9 disciplinary cases brought by the city, all of them were generated internally. All of them. There are political parties Mon and Tues evenings. One for State Senator Patrick Gallivan and the other for State Assemblyman Bill Conrad. 


      Congrats to A Dist PO Mike Ross. He has officially retired!! There is a party for him Fri Nov 17th- 6pm at Bison City! Great guy, we wish him well!!

      Last night's Scanlon party was packed. Chris expressed his genuine appreciation for the PBA's support.

      There are IAD interrogations on Wed and Thurs. Additionally, on Thurs we have Step 3 grievance hearings.

      Really hate to see a bully emboldened.....

      Would hate to be a Giants fan. How a supposedly neutral referee didn't call interference on that last play is concerning. You have to wonder if they weren't somehow intimidated or influenced by some outside source??? Have always wondered if some games aren't predetermined?


      Hoping Hamas/Hezbollah go the way of ISIS. 

      There was an article in the Bflo news re an incident in Niagara Falls that the AG investigated. What the AG's office recommended was that the NFPD impose "appropriate discipline" on the officers involved. Also, write and implement new policies regarding dis con arrests, issuing appearance tickets and conduct additional training in those areas. It said the dept had 90 days to respond/report back with their reactive actions. We'll likely see the NF guys at PCNY in Albany next week and will find out more. 

      Great time at the Boatyard last night for Tina's send off!!! We wish her nothing but the best in her next endeavor!!! TU Tina!!!

      There is a fundraiser for Councilman Chris Scanlon this Monday night at the Bistro. 904 Abbott Rd. Sure to be a nice time. Runs from 5:30 till 7:30, $40 donation 

      RIP LT Craig Lehner

      We are still waiting for the arbitrators' decision on the cities' notion that you never have a day off if working as a Bflo police officer. I don't know what the delay is. The record has been closed on it for several months. The briefs were due back in March.

      A couple of observations: Carrying a less lethal (pepper spray/ taser) is optional. With the scrutiny brought by this commissioner, it is not worth the trouble their usage brings. It is absolutely something to consider. Also, if an individual gives you a good 710.30, I would advise against using it. In the paperwork, direct the ADA to refer to the BWC footage. This is because the commissioner will charge you with "offering a false instrument" if not stated EXACTLY as it was said.

      It has come to the point that you have to weigh police inaction, or what they are calling deescalation,  take whatever sanction they hit you with, vs taking action, pursuing an arrest, and risk getting fired. Judging from what we've seen, any sanction for police inaction or deescalation will extend your career. Taking action will end it. 

      I hope those getting canvased for this job realize this admin will move to fire you over the most minor infraction.  Also, you can not rely upon arbitration to get a fair hearing. It is a sad state and not getting better.


      RIP Erin, year ago....

      We only have IAD interrogations on Thursday this week....

      In Niagara Falls, the suspect of a couple forcible sexual assaults was described as "a man in his 20's". Apparently, the race of the offender is unknown.....? Update, Ch 4 left the suspects race out of the description. Ch 2 said it was a black or Hispanic male. At any rate, hopefully he is apprehended quickly.


      I knew the disparity was immense, but by looking into the raw numbers, it is glaring. 48 of the 49 IAD cases prosecuted this year have been internally driven. Demonstrating these cases aren't derived from citizen complaints, but from our very own IAD at the commissioners'insistence. If these cases weren't brought forth, nobody would know. Nice legacy....

      Sheriff John Garcia expressed his sincere gratitude for the PBA's support at last night's campaign fundraiser we attended.

      This week we have the Board of Directors meeting on Monday. On Thursday we have the monthly General Membership mtg. It is at Bison City R/G Club. 1900 hours.

      We're preparing for our mediation session this week. We meet on Thursday at PERB.

      We attended the PCNY training conference in Saratoga this weekend. Retired NYPD Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell spoke. It was odd to hear an administrator concerned about the officers' morale. Inspirational to say the least.


      We have IAD interrogations on Tues and Thurs this week. As always these days, Internal Complaints are the vast majority....


      Another shooting, this one on Woltz ave...

      PBA member advocate Councilman Chris Scanlon's fundraiser has been postponed due to a water issue at the Bistro. 

      Our first contract mediation date is set for Oct 5th. We've been working without a contract since July 1,2021.

      Not only would he step over your dying body , he would check your pockets first...


      Discussing the department's readiness for a snowstorm with a co-worker, he said, "they haven't even purchased a snow shovel". 50 deaths, what did we learn....???

      Management has the right to mis-manage....

      This spike in murders is alarming. A new, fresh approach is needed....

      Allen st murder.... I'm guessing the businesses that recently either sold or closed saw the writing on the wall....

      Despite the King and Queen, please don't hesitate when doing police work. 

      Torn over this, but congrats to PO Jonathan Negron on his retirement.

      We stand with the UAW!!

      We've got discipline and contract triage Tues and Wed. Thursday we have PAC interviews.


      Praying for all those murdered and subsequently died of ailments from 9-11.

      Imagine being able  to concentrate on police work rather than wonder how the commissioner is going to screw ya?

      Just looked at some numbers...As of 6-30-2026: 40 PO's, 26 Det's, 3 Sgts, 23 LT's, 6 Capt's and 1 Inspector are eligible to leave...

      Congrats to Det Ed Perez on his retirement ! Great guy, we wish him well !!

      The Police Commissioner resigned in Philadelphia. Big City job...6th largest city in the nation.

      Board of Directors mtg today, Thurs is the General Membership mtg. Next Monday the 11th, the office is closed for the PBA Golf Tny.


      Despite the commissioner cutting the URT teams' training in half, AJ Ortiz was able to save 3 people's lives. Nice work!!

      Have to say, had India won, this guy would have fit in perfectly with her administration. No question.

      Great job AJ!! 

      PO Mitchell R Thomas was awarded a performance of duty pension. We wish him well!!

      On the contract front, on Friday, we walked over and hand delivered the appropriate paperwork to PERB. We will now wait for the State Mediator, Greg Poland, to arrange for mediation dates.

      We again have IAD interrogations on Tues, Wed, and Thurs this week.


      Thank you to everyone that helped out to make the annual Open House a success!! Joe, Jimmy, Tracy, Tina, Bella, Obed, Artie, Doxbeck, T. Olejniczak, Melinda, B. Joyce, Bison City staff, the Caterers, Cathy Kumro, Camellia Meats, and everyone else that made for a great day!!

      I literally laughed out loud when I saw councilman Nowakowski say that eradicating the Kia boys is a complex social problem. Let's try incarceration. Officers make plenty of arrests. Let's follow through with a jail term. It is not complex. Tapdancing around the issue is not helping in the least.

      Reminder: the PBA Open House is this Thursday the  24th. 1100-?? at Bison City


      For the time being, call 716-842-1258 to reach the PBA office.

      We may experience some phone disruptions on Tuesday the 15th as we are transitioning our phones.

      There are several IOD interrogations on Wed/Thurs this week.

      Don't forget the 24th is the annual PBA Open House !! 11am- ??


      Lots of laughs last night at Charlie Clifford's send off!! Wish him well!!

      The General Membership mtg is this Thursday at 1900 hours at Charlies Boat Yard.


      Please keep the Overdorfs dad in your prayers as he recovers...

      August 24th is this year's OPEN HOUSE. It's at Bison City R/G Club, 1100-0000.

      PBA endorsed Councilman Chris Scanlon had a packed house of supporters last night at Charlies Boat Yard. A very good sign.

      We have IAD interrogations Tues/Wed/Thurs.


      Despite the weather, the 1st annual BFD vs BPD softball games for wellness was a success. Our ladies performed flawlessly, the men, not as well. It has been suggested we take up a collection to get Vinny some time in the batting cages. Anything would help....Next year !!!

      Congrats to Det Tom Starkey on his retirement !!

      Gov Hochul is in town. Hopefully, she will announce that she wants to stiffen penalties for individuals caught with unregistered firearms and stolen vehicles. I mean just some kind of penalty.....I'll wait...

      Does she know a 23-year-old girl was murdered last night? She was one of four girls in a car that was shot up by over 30 rounds....

      Since the Buffalo police officers are doing such a great job, reward us with a fair, comparable contract.....

      Had to laugh when I saw that the Commissioners were in Washington at a seminar for police wellness, recruitment and retention!!!! I wonder if they prescribed bringing officers up on bs, nonsense, disciplinary charges to improve things....?

      RIP arbitrator Dennis Campagna.

      On Thursday and Fri we have a bunch of IAD interrogations.

      Congratulations PO Charlie Clifford on his retirement !! 98th Basic !!

      We had to file another grievance. Tried to resolve it without, to no avail. In this instance, officers' status changed from full IOD to light duty. (Our contract stipulates, we are able to work in a light duty capacity when necessary.) Inexplicably, the admin believes they can continue to change your schedule and days off, even while working in a light duty capacity, when you are no longer assigned to the commissioner's office..... As a remedy, we are seeking for these individuals to be compensated at the OT rate for any hours worked outside their district schedule. We'll see how an arbitrator sees it.

      Because of the commissioner's never-ending quest to-f with officers...., put in an "additional employment" form if you are doing anything outside of this job (like it really matters...). Further reason to look for any other department to work for. They look at officers as soldiers that have entered into a 20-year enlistment....

      The beatings will continue until morale improves........BPD mantra...


      Apparently, the cop hating AG's office personnel is looking to get some street cred by having IAD drive around the city tonight from 6 - 9pm. Funny how the city can pay OT to take them for a happy hour joy ride. I wonder if they'll be in the backseat of a car that doesn't have air conditioning, because the city doesn't have the resources to keep an updated fleet? I don't know if this is a poor attempt at a pr move or just an outright joke. 

      Ch 4 interviewed their friend and apparent hero,  Ralph Phillips, to get his take on the Burham escape. I wonder how much they put in his commissary account? Pathetic.


      Thanks to Jimmy, Joe, Tina and Tracy for putting together Darien Lake. It was nice to see so many people and their families enjoying the day! Looks like it'll be July 10th next year....

      On Monday we had the Board of Directors mtg. Wed the office is closed for Darien Lake Day. Thursday we have the monthly General Membership mtg, 1300, Charlies Boat Yard, note location change....

      Fri nite from 7-11 there is a fundraiser at Wings for the Trooper involved in the Officer involved incident downtown. $40 at the door.

      Sat the 15th there is a fundraiser for Retired PO Mark Padilla. Call the office for details.


      You really have to wonder when there will be an outcry to incarcerate these shooters? It worked under Gov Mario Cuomo....

      A New York State Trooper test is being given. We just lost another cop to them. They seem to realize money is a factor to maintain and attract applicants. 

      In the US 110,000 people died from fentanyl overdoses last year. Close the border....Make it difficult to bring in. Incarcerate the dealers....Do something.

      Darien Lake tickets are going fast. July 12th will be here soon.

      Have a happy and safe Fourth of July !!

      Need to thank area establishments, Doc Sullivan's, Mineo's and Imperial pizzeria's, Jimmy Scherer, Joe Wendel, Tracy, Tina and all those who attended as well as those that donated to our guys to make the party a success. Thank you all.


      PBA endorsed Common Council candidates performed very well in yesterday's primary.

      Congrats to D Dist PO Christine Sikora on her retirement !!! 34 years, now relax and enjoy it !!

      On Monday the 26th we are going to arbitration to try and get supervision for special event details. You are reading that right, the PBA is grieving for lack of supervision...Yes, even after the Memphis incident where lack of supervision was cited as a major contributor to what happened........can't make it up....smh.

      The Legal and Professionals of Erie County Awarded PBA Atty Rod O Personius with their Attorney of the Year award! Congrats Rod !!

      We have arbitration all week. 

      It is troubling to hear the URT's training has been cut. Apparently, the Commissioner put a higher  priority on sending IAD out to check for officers sick/IAD confinement vs maintaining a potential life-saving training routine....


      The commissioner won't purchase enough police cars for the dept, yet he has plenty of money to pay the IAD squad overtime to check to see if officers are home when  they call in sick or are off from being injured on duty....you can't make it up....inept money management at it's finest...Nice legacy...

      Congrats to all those recognized by the Mayor !! Nice work, great to see the acts acknowledged !!

      The HQ/PBA office is closed on Monday June 19th for the Juneteenth holiday.

      PBA golf sold out quickly. Let's hope for nice weather.

      Went down to Pennsylvania to get a pistol permit. Went to Meadville. An incredibly simple process. $20 application fee and was approved over lunch.

      https://www.pafoa.org/law/carrying-firearms/concealed-carry/reciprocity/.....................NYS is so backwards....


      Thank's go out to the BPD Honor Guard, Jimmy, Joe, Tina, Tracy, Bella and Melinda for putting on the annual retirement party. For those that attended, it was a very nice evening!

      You become an enemy of the BPD when you get injured working for them. This commissioner is hell bent on catching you outside your place of confinement during your tour.....priorities....laughable!!! He'll spend thousands on that, yet we don't have a 4-wheel drive vehicle to get around in...again, mismanagement at it's finest.


      The city cries poor yet pisses away money checking to see if people are home when they call in sick or have injured themselves working for this city.....lot of credibility there....

      The city extended until 6-2 to apply to take the BPD test.


      Have a safe Memorial Day weekend. Please remember all those who were killed safeguarding our country and way of life we all enjoy.

      We've got arbitration Mon, Tues and Wed.


      Thank you Det Joe Wendel, PO Jim Scherer, Tina, Tracy, Melinda, and LT Pete Nigrelli and the awards group. They put together an outstanding event !!! Great job !!


      The PBA awards ball is this Fri. The PBA office will be closed on Friday.

      Atty's are meeting Thurs the 11th to discuss contract.

      On Wed we have informal disciplinary hearings.

      We have IAD interrogations Tuesday.


      The city canceled the scheduled contract negotiation session. Shocker....

      We've got disciplinary and contract triage this week.


      It will be interesting to see how the BTF membership votes on their tentative contract.

      The PBA office is closing at 1400 hrs on Fri 4-21

      Congrats BTF Pres Phil Rumore on a stellar career!! Enjoy retirement!!

      There is a fundraiser for Assemblyman Bill Conrad on Wed. Fri evening is the 100 Club of Bflo awards dinner. They are an incredible organization. Extremely helpful to 1st responders in need.

      We attended the annual Blitman and King labor seminar, as always was an informative event.


      Rest peacefully Bri.

      We have PCNY meetings this week.

      Don't forget your health care open enrollment forms.

      The UB Study is still looking for candidates. 


      The PBA Office is closed Good Friday, wishing everyone a Happy and safe Easter!


      Wishing nothing but the best for PO Kelly Gattuso and Capt Robert E Lee on their retirements!!!

      Congrats to all those promoted today!!

      Nashville PD did a great job eliminating that POS. Loved seeing the officers execute clearing of the school and subsequently terminating the threat. Hero's. 

      Congrats to those being promoted on Friday!! Hopefully, the admin will fill the LT vacancies as well. Paying out OT when you don't have to would be construed as poor management anywhere else but the Buffalo PD.

      The criminal element is something we can deal with, this admin is another.

      I would seriously think twice about taking the Buffalo police job. If I were to take it, I would look to lateral transfer to another department asap.

      You have to wonder when the public will demand there be armed police officers in every school protecting the children and teachers as well. The TSA was created after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. It has been effective. Learn from it.

      Hearings all week, negotiations on contract Thurs.


      Not surprised very few want to take the pay cut to become a supervisor in this dept....On top of all the bs they want to pile on you.... Or you can devote the time into passing the exam, and out of spite the commissioner can say....Naw, thanks for studying, even though there are positions available, I'm not going to promote you...try again next time....

      The treatment given to RH is despicable. 


      Thank God nobody was injured....

      The Admin is adding 2 positions to the BHT unit. They'll come off the April 2023 transfer sheet.

      We've got the monthly PBA union mtg on Thurs at 1300.


      Praying hard for the BFD....


      Congrats to LT Mike Alberti on his retirement!!

      55 million of Fed dollars going towards covering the 33....what a waste of money....

      It is really pathetic that our state legislators won't enact the death penalty....


      Prayers for Cheektowaga patrol officer struck by a fleeing vehicle...

      To see the similarities between Buffalo and Memphis is troubling...Memphis lowered their hiring standards, so did Buffalo. Memphis operated without or had little supervision. We have a pending grievance filed to get adequate supervision....Sad state of affairs. 

      Really nice send offs this week for Det Ellen Nowadly and PO Brian Griffin !!

      RIP Patty Parete, 10 years gone...

      Hopefully, they will fix the heat in the BPD vehicles, buildings, and HQ in short order. I'll hold my breath...


      I don't know what the Memphis police officers were thinking. The process is in motion. They've all been arrested and will now go to trial. 

      We are meeting with Senator Chuck Schumer's representatives to relay our needs for the department to be able to function and respond during a winter storm...


      We've got an arbitration via Zoom on Wed regarding the BWC grievances.

      The PCNY agenda for the budgetary session remains, enhancing retirement tier 5/6. Putting together a realistic Heart Bill, and getting language strengthening retirement health care benefits.


      Admittedly, I only saw what was on the news. I was dismayed, to say the least, when I saw the Commissioner say he wasn't going to purchase equipment that would sit around for 11 1/2 months..... In the 2 weeks it were to be needed, it would save lives, but so what.....that type of thinking is what got us into the position we are in, which was exposed during the last storm.....I don't know if we are going to get anything out of Councilman Scanlon's resolution, but I want to thank him for his actions and concerns for the men and women of this Dept and the City residents as well. For the admin to act as though everything is fine is absolutely ridiculous.


      It is pure fantasy to think as a police officer that there is a "pause" button that can be pushed when an officer is injured, dies, or is killed. As we know, there is no bereavement time allocated for the injury or death of a fellow cop. As we know, the street is relentless, it keeps coming at you perpetually. 

      Thank you Councilman Chris Scanlon for your efforts to prioritize the spending of the ARP funds. Instead of squandering this money, invest in the department's infrastructure. Police, Fire and Public Works need it badly.

      Prayers for Hamlin and his family and teammates.

      Happy New Year!! The office will be open Tues at 0800. The Board of Directors mtg is Tues at 1300. The General Membership mtg is Thurs at 1300. Bison City .


      Congratulations to PO's Mike Beavers and Brian Griffin, Detectives Kevin Paul, Robert Gonez, John Heitzhaus, Tim Rooney, Ellen Nowadly and LT Sal Losi, as are all entering retirement!!!


      Is anyone surprised people ignore police orders to stay off the road??? You (woke people) have created an atmosphere where there are no consequences to anything. No respect for law enforcement. If you don't put people in jail that get caught with stolen handguns, what are you going to do to someone that ignores a driving ban??? 

      One lesson learned is you can not rely on the Govt to fix things or protect you.

      These looters were not "outside agitators". Scumbags.

      The PBA office is closed until THURSDAY if the driving ban is lifted, otherwise Friday.. Hopefully, things will be cleared up better by then. Call or email any of us with any issues.

      Merry Christmas !! Christ's birthdate has become quite a holiday.

      The administration had a week to plan for this storm. What did they do?

      I can not fathom the liability risk the city assumes when officers are forced to work 34 hours continuously. God forbid they inadvertently strike a pedestrian or fall asleep while driving and injure or kill someone. Not to mention if they have to use force on a suspect. SMH.

      The PBA office is closed today FRI  12-23 due to forecasted weather conditions. Will open on Tues 12-27, weather permitting. Work safely.


      RIP Det Mike A.

      Addressing the new class of recruits this afternoon.

      The PBA office will be closed (HQ as well) on Mon the 26th in observance of Christmas.

      We've got contract triage this week.


      Went to Albany for the PCNY meetings. This legislation session (2023) is going to center on enhancing tier 5/6 retirement plans, passing a useful heart bill (S6093), converting a group (PBA's of NY) into a 20 year retirement plan (S8487), maintaining qualified immunity for LE, and attempt to beat back the AG's use of force bill, that will be disastrous to law enforcement.

      FYI- When handling a call, don't make any promises to the complainant as far as what you'll do to the suspect or offender.ie, he'll be locked up by 5pm tonight.... Someone brought a lawsuit against an officer because they didn't follow through with arresting an individual  in a promised timeframe. The officer prevailed but only after a court case.(Negligent police protection)

      RIP retired Capt Mark Antonio

      Thanks go out to Jimmy and Joe, Bison City, Cathy Kumro catering and everyone that made the annual Christmas party a success!!

      Congrats to Det Tim Rooney who is retiring and has worked his last tour !! 


      RIP deceased PO Patty Parete.

      Condolences to the Yonkers PD who lost a 24 yr Sgt in the line of duty, involved in a tragic car accident. May he RIP.

      We lost 4 BPD retirees in the past week. Kevin Maloney, Angelo Cannizzaro, Mike McParlane and Dave Greenway. May they all rest in peace.

      Enjoy each day. Nothing is guaranteed or owed to us.


      Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

      Stay warm and dry!! Make sure your chimney is properly vented with all this snow!!

      Next week we have Step 3's on Tues. 


      Thank you Veterans !! You are the reason we live in the greatest country on this planet !!!

      The Blue Line edition is in the PBA office. The big 2023 wall calendars are in the office as well.

      Choppy week next week. The Board of Directors mtg is Monday and the General Membership is Thursday. Thursday at noon is the transfer deadline.

      Congrats to all those promoted!! LT's Sierk, Norwood, and Domros. Det Sgt Jason Schnelle and Det's Cullen, Reeves, Sitarski, Ganley and Sharpe !! Good luck to all !!

      The PBA office will be closed on Tues the 8th  and Friday the 11th.


      On the eve of early voting, either directly or through PCNY, the PBA endorsed the following:

      For United States Senate- Joe Pinion

      NYS Governor- Lee Zeldin

      LT Governor- Alison Esposito

      NYS Atty General- Michael Henry

      NYS Comptroller - Thomas DiNapoli

      NYS Senate- Edward Rath

      NYS Assembly- Ralph Hernandez

      NYS Assembly- William Conrad

      NYS Supreme Court Judge- Shannon Henneghan

      Erie County Clerk- Mickey Kearns

      Bflo School Board- Theresa Schuta

      More than ever we need pro law enforcement candidates elected !!!

      We had grievance triage on Tues , Wednesday we have IOD's. IAD interrogations on Thursday. 


      We've got IAD interrogations on Tues and Thurs, and some of us will be in Albany for PCNY on Tues and Wed as well. 


      Remembering URT diver LT Craig Lehner


      The EAP phone number is 716-681-4300. Or contact a BPD Peer member if you are having trouble. Click on the "Members Only" section and then the "Stress/Wellness" drop down.

      Had the pleasure of meeting with LT Gov candidate Alison Esposito. Sharp girl, really hope her and Lee Zeldin are successful in this election. This state desperately needs some pro-law enforcement politicians.

      Continued prayers for Erin.


      RIP Ret Det/Sgt Tim Mulhern


      The Police Conference of NY made the following endorsements:

      For United States Senate- Joe Pinion

      NYS Governor- Lee Zeldin

      LT Governor- Alison Esposito

      NYS Atty General- Michael Henry

      NYS Comptroller - Thomas DiNapoli

      NYS Senate- Ed Rath

      A full list to follow - Exercise your right to vote !!


      We have triage and discipline arbitration this week. 

      RIP BFD Chief Mark Hillery as well NFTA Officer John Popp....


      The 9-11 emotions and memories remain. I'm sure they always will, and that is a good thing.

      Thank you to Cloverbank CC ! The PBA golf tourney was a success. Thank you to Joe, Jimmy, Tina, Tracy and Mike M for making it a great day !! 


      LT's Jim Stabler and Dave Cieply have retired !!! Wish them the best !!

      Great job by Joe, Jimmy, Tina, Adam, Kathy Kumro (the caterer and her staff), the Clam guys, Dennis, Joe and the rest of the Gun Club staff. Sorry if I missed anyone. Tremendous food, drinks and entertainment!! Great to see all the retirees and actives that were able to come out!! Cya next year !!

      Reminder- -The PBA OPEN HOUSE is tomorrow at Bison City.


      Congrats to property PO Linda Wilson who has retired !! We wish her well !!

      There are IAD interrogations on Monday. On Tues we are meeting with NYS Senator Ed Rath.

      What world does Gov Hochul live in? A pen is mightier than a knife? Clown.


      RIP Red....

      Congrats to all those promoted today !!! Insp Overdorf, Capts Murray and Agee, LT's Santana and Thomas, Det Sgt's Isch, Krug and Fanara as well Det's Sheehan, Wendel, Sterlace and Espinosa !!!


      We've got the monthly General Membership mtg this Thurs at Bison City. 7pm.

      Supposedly they are doing promotions this Friday, not sure of the number/rank.

      I wonder if while recruiting the 29 that got sworn in they explained to them the Admin will do everything it can to bring them up on charges, even  though no citizen/arrestee brings forth a complaint!!! Literally, they pay IAD overtime to find issues with your paperwork.....can't make it up. They'll then say they are concerned about your mental health.....such a farce.


      Sincere condolences to the Rochester PD. Hopefully the murderer is quickly apprehended, dead or alive.


      Couldn't disagree more with the Commissioners opinion that the Bell pursuit should not have occurred. It wasn't as though it stemmed from a V/T infraction. That vehicle was pulled over and only then, during the interaction with the officers, did Bell choose not to comply and attempt to escape with his illegally possessed firearm (which he used to try and kill our officers). It wasn't as though he had a tail light out and refused to pull over and that was the reason for the pursuit. Again, hopefully, we will get some reality-based training as a reaction to this incident.

      Thanks to Joe, Jimmy, Tracy and Tina, the Darien Lake event went off without problems. It was great to see everyone enjoying the day with their families!!

      I don't know who was in charge at Uvalde, but I can assure you that would not happen in Bflo.


      The PBA office will be closed on Wed the 13th due to Darien Lake Day....weather looks great !!

      Thankfully, we are going to get some reality-based training as a result of this incident. Hopefully, the city will spend the money on getting us a shooting range. Why it was defunded remains a mystery.....?

      Another loser kills innocent citizens....Hopefully Illinois has the death penalty.

      Today 7/5 we have the Board of Directors mtg. On Thursday we have the General Membership mtg at Charlies Boat Yard 1300. 

      The Admin is interviewing for promotions this week. 

      Prayers for the family that perished in the fire on Huntington Ave, tragic to say the least.

      Why didn't Jayden Walker just comply with the police? A gun charge these days amounts to nothing. Unless there is a body attached to the gun....


      You have to wonder if sensible, meaningful legislation will ever come out of Albany???

      Tremendous police work on Broadway!!! Incredible bravery and reaction!!


      Happy and safe Fathers Day to all !!

      Tragically, 2 officers were killed in southern California.

      We have IAD interrogations on Wed and Thursday this week.


      PBA Mass texts from about 0900 until 1900 are sending as planned. For select carriers. After 1900 they are delayed until about 0900. If you want to work, 0130-0600 I would call the district and inquire. We are looking into another website host to alleviate this problem. Sorry for the annoyance. 

      Congrats to Pat and Lucia on your promotions !!

      A really nice time last night celebrating the retirees from 2020 and 2021! Joe, Jimmy, Tina, and Tracy put together a great night !!

      Great to see DA Chesa Boudin out in San Francisco as a result of a recall. Feel bad for the police and citizens that had to endure his liberal/left wing/progressive tenure. Hopefully, more will realize that incarceration works to deter crime.

      Text book officer involved shoot in Niagara Falls. Good guys go home.


      Refreshing to see 2 armed police officers at Walmart. They get it....

      Nothing Governor Hochul signed will have any effect on protecting children attending schools.

      Still no meaningful legislation passed that will protect the children attending schools. Thanks NYS....pathetic.

      We did have our final day of binding interest arbitration yesterday. We expect an award from Arbitrator Rinaldo within 60 days.

      We have PAC interviews on Thursday the 2nd.

      This Friday, the 3rd, the Academy class graduates. We wish them well !!

      Thank everyone that donated to the Salter family. Aaron's wife Kim was very grateful, to say the least.


      This weekend please take a moment to remember all the military service members who gave their lives in order for us to live free as we do.

      I am sickened at the reluctance of administrators and politicians across the country to safeguard schools. We can't afford to protect innocent defenseless children and teachers ?

      Had the pleasure of meeting with Governor candidate Lee Zeldin today. His campaign came by the PBA office on Thurs afternoon. Solid guy who backs law enforcement. 


      Inexplicably, we have heard that there are Common Council members that are attempting to cut 2 million from the Mayor's proposed police budget. We need everything that is contained within that proposal. We implore the majority of the Council to reject these cuts!

      Aaron Salter died a hero. His wake is next Tues the 24th from 2-8pm at Amigone on Delaware. The Funeral is Wed at 11 at the Chapel, 500 Crosspointe Parkway Getzville NY 14068.

      There is a special place in hell waiting for this shooter. 

      Horrific news. May all the victims rest in peace. Prayers to AS's friends and family. Just terrible. Such a good guy.


      This week we have the PBA Awards dinner on Friday evening. Congrats to all those receiving awards !


      This week we have the Board of Directors on Monday and the General Membership mtg on Thurs at 1300. Bison City R/G Club.

      We attended the annual 100 Club Awards dinner where several of our members were recognized for their heroic acts. A great night from a fine organization !!

      This week we have the Board of Director meeting on Monday and on Thursday the General Membership mtg at 1300 hrs.

      RIP Mr Scans!

      Have to say the Mayor's state of the City address was the best one I've ever heard !


      RIP Mercy Flight pilots...

      This Wed and Thurs we had IAD interrogations. Also, Step 3's on Thurs.

      The prestigious 100 Club awards will be presented on Friday evening. Several of our members will be honored!!! 


      We had grievance triage and IOD's on Tues and Wed.

      Wearing a mask should be up to the individual. We do live in America. I'll get my medical advice from my Dr, not a politician. 

      Nice police work apprehending the violent rapist!! Taser was effective. 

      I watched the video of the Grand Rapids, Michigan incident. You have to wonder, if there is such a fear of police officers, why don't people just comply with the officers' directions? It isn't complicated. The officer tells you to stay in the car, just stay in the car. Take the ticket or get locked up, then fight it in court.... Baffling to me how stupid some people are. 


      Mr Jemal didn't test the water on this, he saw what happened and acted. Gov Cuomo, EC Exec Mark Poloncarz and DA Flynn all jumped on the "crucify them" bandwagon. The BPD as well. A calculated risk... They were all wrong. For the sake of political "optics", these officers were charged criminally and departmentally. When looked at closely, it was clear there was nothing excessive about the nudge they gave Mr Gugino. Who, by the way, ignored several orders to move away and disperse. An Erie County grand jury and subsequently a state arbitrator agreed. There was a great deal of support shown to these men. The silent majority's actions were much louder than the vocal minority's anti-cop rhetoric. Thank God for common sense.. 

      Wishing everyone a happy Easter !!

      Until these politicians call for/demand the incarceration of individuals possessing illegal/stolen firearms, nothing will change. The shootings and murders will continue....

      The PBA office will be closed this Fri the 15th for Good Friday observance.

      Thankfully, Arbitrator Selchick saw through the political witch hunt that was levied against Torgalski and McCabe. True law enforcement and politics don't mix. That is clear. It is great that they are back to work !!! Wish the process didn't take so long.....they've been put through almost 2 years of hell.

      With the passing of the State budget, you will be vested in the retirement system after 5 years of service. It appears that Tier 6 contributions will be calculated at your base pay going forward. Additionally, they realized their past bail reform was a huge mistake, acknowledging this by giving Judges authority to demand bail for more circumstances than in the previous so-called reform.  


      Rest in peace "Skip".

      Arbitrator Selchick saw through the City's nonsense, found that our guys did NOT use excessive force during the Niagara Square incident. We just wish there was a way their reputations could be repaired, around the world.


      Monday we have the Board of Directors mtg. The office closes at noon on Monday 4-4.

      We have IAD interrogations on Thursday and that evening, at 7:00pm, we have the General Membership mtg.

      Put the death penalty on the books as the punishment for murdering someone. Let's see if that curbs the violence. It's worth a try....


      We were very fortunate our officers sustained the injuries that they did. Things could have been far worse. Would like to commend all those involved! Great job of apprehending the suspect !! Thank everyone for the outpouring of support shown to our officers. May they have a speedy recovery !!


      On Wednesday and Thurs we have IAD interrogations, also on Thursday we have Step 3 grievances.

      Fri night from  6 - 9 there is a send off for Det Jay Mayhook at the Lenox Grill.


      Thankfully, DA John Flynn saw the OIS for what it was. Nobody wants that call/scenario. 

      Praying the Firefighter improves, fully recovers.

      We've got the Blitman and King legal seminar on Monday.

      On Monday and Thursday there are IAD interrogations.

      We have arbitration over the Admin changing our shifts without negotiation on Wed.


      Faced with a knife-wielding deranged man, our well-trained officers reacted with great composure. Exhausting all options, they handled the situation in a professional manner. They should be commended for their actions. 

      We have contract arbitration today (Mon) with Arbitrator Thomas Rinaldo.

      Thurs we have step 3's.

      Friday we are at PERB re the city's hiring a private contractor to fill a union position.


      Any former members of the Police Emerald Society that would like to re-join can for a fee of $140. Contact 2nd VP Mark Goodspeed for more info. 

      Today, 3-7, we have the Board of Directors mtg. Tomorrow and Wed we have discipline and contract arbitration with Arbitrator Selchick. Thursday is the General Membership mtg 1300, Bison City R/G club.

      Congrats Det Jay Mayhook on his retirement !!!

      Had a great time at Bill Cooley's BPD retirement party !! Lots of fun !! Wish him success in his new endeavor !! 


      PCNY seminar in Albany.

      Let's hope whomever is selected as the next commissioner is a highly trusted individual that has the respect of the PBA body........

      Good luck Commissioner Lockwood, enjoy retirement!!

      Praying for the citizens of Ukraine.


      We strongly oppose Senate bill 03898 and Assembly bill 03048. As well as their sponsors.... And that is all I will post regarding this, as this is a public site.....

      So now you want police in the schools? Which is it? I thought the police were the bad guys???

      Congratulations to those newly promoted !!

      I don't know what happened at McKinley, but let's incarcerate individuals that are caught with illegal guns. Try it, see what happens.....


      Monday we have the Board of Directors mtg. Thursday at 7:00pm is the General membership mtg. Thursday and Friday we are in contract arbitration. Friday night there is a send off for range PO Chris Kessler. 

      The BPD does not hire lateral transfers. Or temp/part time/per diem. There is no provision in our CBA for that.  


      RIP PO Patty Parete - On this day in 2013.


      We have PCNY meetings this week.

      Facts demonstrate the "woke", soft on crime approach, has failed miserably. None of the police reforms they pushed for, which most of our area elected democratic leaders endorsed, has done anything to make citizens safer. They have only made the job of a police officer more difficult. There are already laws related to illegal gun possession in place. Let's try incarceration. It worked in the past. 

      You don't need a Dr. If you have a medical issue seek medical advice from Hochul or Poloncarz.

      Tues arbitration (AIU/Narco shift changes) rescheduled until Mar 23rd. We have Step 3's Wed also Wed eve is Tony LeBron's retirement pty. 6-9 at Gun Club. Thurs there are IAD interrogations. Thurs eve a fundraiser for Senator Gallivan. Friday is Fitz scholarship pty at Doc Sullivans/Timon.

      Baltimore firefighters made the ultimate sacrifice, RIP.

      Praying for the NYPD. And now Houston (Harris County). 

      So angering. 


      Nice to see 25 recruits coming on. Come November they'll take some stress off the OT for the next holiday season. 

      Thank you very much to the generous donor of the N-95 masks !! Thank you for thinking of the Buffalo Police !!!

      Please realize, if this Admin can find any, and I mean any, way to deny you IOD time off, they will do it. Forget about the legitamacy of your injury. That is not relevant to them. If they can f with you, they will. Understand, that is what you are dealing with.

      If you are injured or fall ill because of an on the job incident, call IAD and tell the Capt you are going to seek your own Doctor !!!


      This week we have the Board of Directors mtg Monday, General Membership on Thursday.

      So we end 2021 with a murder and welcome 2022 with 2. Hopefully our politicians realize that their police reforms have done absolutely nothing to make the city a safer place. Nothing whatsoever. The woke experiment has been a colossal failure. Hopefully the day comes when cops can be cops again. Happy New Year !!


      We bid a warm farewell to 1st VP Kristin Russo. Want to thank her for her devotion to the members of our Union and wish her luck in her new rank job in the Academy !!! Also want to welcome incoming 1st VP Melinda Kaska and Recording Secretary Garrett O'Neill !

      The Admin is knowingly violating the contract and arbitration awards as well in an effort to staff this New Years Eve events. Understandibly officers do not want to work these events. They are a trap off that for political optics can end an officers career. As eager as this admin is to screw over working police officers, exercise extreme caution in working any of these events. Sadly officers have to worry more about being brought up on bs departmental charges than the threat the criminal element poses. Sad state of affairs to say the least...

      With the new year, hopefully a majority of the Common Council realize they were played by the woke crowd. Hopefully they saw what happened in the mayoral election where in a write in campaign, the mayor destroyed the anti police candidate....again, in a write in campaign....

      For reasons unknown, the admin is eroding the narcotics squad. This in light of the most deadly opioid epidemic the city has ever experienced...???

      The city is talking about adding a range officer job for anyone interested...

      If you run into PO Tim O'Neill, Insp Rob Rosenswie, PO Linda McDonald, Det Chris Gerace, Det/Sgt Bill Cooley, PO Kathy Paul, Det Shawn Adams, PO Chris Kessler, PO Tony Lebron and PO Jimmy Reese, wish them well, as they are all retiring in short order !!

      We have IAD interrogations on Wed. The office will be closed on Fri the 24th. 


      The defunders are changing course.....so predictable...Burlington VT, Oakland CA, Portland OR all seeking to boost their ranks of police officers...

      We will have 44 retirements going in 2021. 

      Violent people aren't being incarcerated. That is what is behind the violent crime wave in our city and this country. Possessing an illegal firearm should come with a mandatory minimum sentence in state prison. I blame politicians, BLM and other anti  cop groups and the liberal media who support their positions. The lack of support for working police officers has never been greater. Until cops can be cops again, and sentencing rules change, violent crime will remain high. If they are hoping all the bad guys will kill each other off, I doubt that will work as there are continually individuals that will step in to fill their shoes. Until there are consequences for illegal violent actions the good people of the community will suffer.

      As bad off as the infrastructure of this police dept is, not one dime of all this federal bailout money is budgeted for police services. Not equipment, wages, vehicles, nothing....

      Congrats to all those promoted today!

      Thanks Jimmy and Joe, Bison City, Kathy Kumro et al. Great evening!!

      The man charged with murdering Marcus Spain is the same fella that claimed PO's Moffet and Davidson planted 67 grams of fentanyl in his vehicle....Cortez Foster was a darling of India Walton and her regime. Interesting string of events ......

      BLM co-founder is calling the Jessie Smollet case, "white supremacy"....can't make it up !!!

      Watched the story on Ch 2 regarding police response times....There aren't enough police officers in the City. There aren't enough vehicles to get them to the calls. Start with that....

      As far as the Hassett situation, the DA couldn't justify his opinion piece, that's why Joe won that case.

      Thursday is the PBA mtg. Starts at 5pm.

      Remembering those that died on Pearl Harbor Day.


      It isn't often that politicians quickly realize how incredibly stupid their "defund the police" position is. But across the country they are frequently reversing their mindset because of increases in violent crime. Oakland being the latest... You have to wonder,  what did they think would happen? 

      Today, Tues, we have grievance triage. IAD interrogations as well.  Thurs and Fri we have contract arbitration. 


      Congratulations to PO Jill Halor, LT Brian Brittzallarro and PO Kevin Brautlaucht on their retirements !!

      Thankfully Senator Joe Manchin holds the views he does. God help this country without his moderate rational positions.

      Praying for the victims of Waukesha.

      Am sad to report that K9 Hydro died unexpectedly. Thoughts go out to Steve and the rest of the K9 unit, and the entire dept as well.


      The following are some of the individuals and groups that supported the India Walton campaign and her anti-police platform. *City of Buffalo voters overwhelmingly rejected Walton and her supporters views.

      US Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand

      NYS Senator Sean Ryan

      NYS Assemblyman Jonathan Rivera

      Erie County Legislator April Baskin

      University Dist Common Council Member Rasheed Wyatt

      EC Democratic Committee

      NY Working Families Party

      Buffalo Democratic Socialist of America

      NYS Nurses Assoc

      Former area politicians Antoine Thompson, Betty Jean Grant.

      Goo Goo Dolls bassist Robie Takac

      Former City Court Judge James McLeod

      Former BPD Justine Harris, Donna Berry

      Jennifer Mecozzi -Bflo School Board member

      Vanessa Glushefski - formerly sought PBA endorsement for Bflo Comptroller

      There are others. We have to be mindful of this moving forward....


      The PBA elections were held. The positions were filled with the following. St VP Capt Melinda Kaska, nd VP LT Mark Goodspeed and Recording Secretary LT Garrett O'Neill Congratulations to all !!


      Congratulations Mayor Brown!!! Councilmen Chris Scanlon, Joe Golombek and Ullysees Wingo as well !

      Monday we have the Board of Directors mtg. On Thursday at 1300 we have the General Membership mtg.(Bison City R/G Club) Friday we have the PBA elections. 10-10 again at Bison City.

      Mon/Tues/Wed we have Aaron and Jamie's departmental case.

      The PBA Office will be closed Tues for election day, and Friday for the PBA election.


      RIP PO Jimmy Shields- 19 years ago tonight he made the ultimate sacrifice.

      Last day to early vote is tomorrow, Sunday. Polls open at noon, close at 6. 


      Transfers are due, and established at 1200 hours on the first Thursday, payday, of the month. Nothing has changed it was just confirmed at Triage....

      Catholic Health looks horrible in their treatment of the employees and patients as well. 

      Watching closely the Betty Jean Grant incident. What will DA Flynn do?

      NOV St 5-8pm at SOHO there is a get out the vote rally for Mayor Brown!!! No cover charge, 2 for 1 drinks. Contact John Seittz for more info.

      This week we've got Arbitrator Selchick coming in on Wed for contract triage. Thurs we have IAD interrogations and informal disciplinary cases. We also are meeting with Contract arbitration consultants with our Atty's.


      When you vote please remember to flip over the ballot and vote NO on propositions 1,3 and 4!!!


      RIP Craig...4 years already.

      Am very suspicious of Catholic Health and their attempt to negotiate in the media with their latest offer. Obviously they are trying to gain favor with the public. At first glance is looks like an insufficient offer. I doubt it will effectively end the strike. They (CWA) didn't walk over such miniscule raises and minor improved working conditions. 

      Use extreme caution working the strike detail. It being cut to such low manpower levels has clear safety implications for those working. 

      We have arbitrator Selchick coming in on Tues and Wed. 

      2 cops were just murdered, one in Georgia another in Louisiana, ambushed, just for wearing the uniform...keep this in mind while doing your job day to day. 


      I see JG says to "direct/guide" strikers picketing at Mercy. Funny he didn't stipulate, if the individual is over 18, under 65, male, etc..... I would do nothing more than use verbal commands. Call for a LT, then Capt, then DO, then Chief, then DPC and ultimately Commissioner. Otherwise you will join Aaron and Jamie, facing "excessive force" charges...

      Monday is the Board of Directors mtg. We also have IAD interrogations. Thursday at 1900, Doc Sullivans is the location for the General Membership mtg.

      Catholic Health continues to take advantage of and provide inadequate staffing at Mercy Hospital. The strike continues...


      The PBA is strongly endorsing John Garcia for EC Sheriff, Byron Brown for Mayor, Lynn Dixon for EC Comptroller and Atty John Gilmour for EC Legislator !!

      Hopefully the nurses/CWA strike will be averted. It is unfortunate Catholic Health has driven the workers to this point. Firmly behind the CWA employees!!


      Just remember everyone, this admin cares about your wellness.....

      You won't find Ben and Jerry's products in my house. They continue their anti cop rhetoric, this time supporting Cori Bush's nonsense.

      Arbitrator Selchick is in town on Tues and Wed.

      As stupid as it may seem, fill out a use of force report if you engage with a suspect and he or she flees. Use John or Jane Doe as the suspect.

      Any time you are injured while on the clock, get a CD number and get checked out at ECMC. Fill out the IOD paperwork as well.

      The deadline to register to vote is OCT 8. You can enroll online or we have forms in the PBA office.

      The NYS Association of PBA's and PCNY are in the process of merging in order to unify under one clear voice to look out for the interests of police officers throughout the state. Great to see !!

      The NYS AG's office is actively investigating off duty police officer incidents. A vehicle crossed a double yellow line and went head on with an off-duty NYS Trooper LT. That driver was killed. Thankfully the Trooper survived. The Trooper is being investigated by the NYS AG's office. A different standard for police, on or off duty. 

      Qualified immunity will not be eliminated in the Fed/Corey Booker/Tim Scott consent decree.

      205E suits can be filed against the City by injured BPD officers.


      Write down Byron Brown- the saga continues. Whatever it takes to beat her !!!

      Golf tny is tomorrow. Thanks Joe, Jimmy, Tina, and Tracy for putting it together!!** Great time at the golf tny !!! Thanks to everybody that came out !!!

      RIP Amy.

      The Mayor's party is at Charlies Boatyard tonight at 5:30. $50 donation.


      The Mayor can run on a ballot line in Nov per Fed Judge.

      Congrats to PO Jonathan Clemons who has retired !! We wish him well !!

      Joe, Jimmy, Tina, Tracy, Obed, Dox, Artie, Nikko, Jerry, Cathy the caterer, the Gun Club staff and everyone that came out made the annual PBA Open House a huge success !! Thank you all !!

      The Fitzpatrick family is incredibly thankful for the overwhelming support they've been shown. Thank you everyone!

      I don't think now Gov Cathy Hochul could have made a worse choice for LT Gov....

      Come down to the PBA Open House today. Should be a bit cooler on the water.

      RIP PF, love ya pal...

      Please keep the NYSP in your prayers. A Trooper died in the line of duty yesterday....may he RIP....


      We've got Step 3's on Monday, IAD interrogations on Tues and Wed.


      It is so predictable, actually laughable that the NYS Assembly is suspending it's impeachment investigation.....typical...I don't doubt Cuomo told them to suspend it....

      Congrats Andrew Shea on his LT promotion !!!

      37 Police officers across the country have been intentionally killed by gunfire so far in 21'.


      The Brown campaign kick off rally was a very well attended event !! Write down, Byron Brown - NOV 2nd !!

      We have IAD interrogations today. Wed. 

      Thurs the 5th, the General Membership mtg is at 7pm, at Bison City R/G Club. 


      Congrats to PO Dave Rachuna on his recent retirement, that's 25 so far this year. I don't think the 20 recently hired is going to cut it. I'm sure there will be plenty of OT for the foreseeable future.

      Congrats to Capt Jeff Rinaldo on his retirement. We will miss his even temperament in our day-to-day operations. We thank him for his 23 years of service and wish him well in his future endeavors !!

      Attended a meeting for the Mayor Brown campaign. Packed house, very enthusiastic crowd. Great sign !!! If anyone isn't registered to vote we have forms at the PBA office.

      We have IAD interrogations today. 


      A proven way to decrease the number of murders is to incarcerate individuals that get arrested with illegal handguns...It worked in the 90's and can work again today. Why haven't any politicians suggested this as a remedy?? 

      Congrats to Ronnie Daniels on his retirement !! Long and healthy !!!

      There was a big turn out for Mayor Browns re-election party last night. A very good sign!!! 

      I'm very skeptical of this fed "VIPER" program.....They have to understand, they effectively killed proactive policing....smh.

      Congrats to the 98th basic on getting your 20 years in !!! On that, congrats to PO M. Kurdziel and D. Casey soon to be leaving !!


      Congrats to PO Poleon who has retired !!

      Sincere condolences to the family of the 3 yr old struck by gunfire.

      For the past 6 years or so many of our politicians have been more concerned with protecting criminals than prosecuting them. This violence is not surprising in the least. 


      Congrats going out to Capt Testa, LT Phillips, PO's Kennedy and Schreckenbrger on their recent retirements!!

      Retiree Efrain Colon passed away, may he RIP.

      India Walton has made some inflammatory, libelous and slanderous accusations against our members on social media. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to work with her admin knowing what she is capable of. 

      Congrats to John Garcia on winning the Republican line for Sheriff!!! Again, we fully endorse him in the November election!! Great guy who will do a great job!!!

      ***Can't stress it enough, we need to get our candidates elected. Garcia for Sheriff and Brown for Mayor. Anywhere "progressive" Mayors are elected it turns to garbage/shit. IE. Chicago, Portland, NYC, etc...to name a few...) Tomorrow is election day, 6am-9pm.

      Keep Amherst officer Hoffman's family in your prayers. He was an active officer who died of cancer, likely contracted while serving our country. RIP.


      Don't forget to vote either early or on Tues the 22nd in the Republican primary. Of course we ask you to vote for PBA endorsed Ret Det John Garcia. Also, on the Democratic side though we did not endorse Mayor Brown, he is the best in the field. 

      Thankfully the 3 most egregious anti cop bills failed to pass this session !! You really have to wonder what these legislators are thinking when they introduce them. 

      We have arbitrator Selchick coming in on Wed and Thurs. Office will be closed Fri for Juneteenth observance.

      This week we have the Board of Directors mtg Monday, on Thursday at 1900 we have the General Membership mtg. At 5:30 Thursday there is a political fundraiser for PBA endorsed Erie County Sheriff candidate Ret Det John Garcia out at Wings in OP - starts at 5:30 pm.

      We continue to pray for Jonathan. Prayers are needed. 


      I'm waiting for a reporter to ask these politicians if they feel any responsibility for the escalation of the violent crime currently ripping through the city???....Also if they still believe the Cops are the bad guys......I'll wait....NYS Atty General James bill S6615 will do nothing but further increase violent crime in NYS. 

      This Memorial Day we honor and remember all those who have given their lives to keep us all safe !!!

      We have arbitration scheduled for today. It is regarding SWAT members improperly removed from the team. Tonight we are having the informal happy hour at 7pm.


      National Police Week. Remember all those that have paid the ultimate price.

      We have arbitrator Selchick coming in on Wed and Thurs. Discipline and Grievances will be heard.


      Board of Directors mtg is Monday, the General Membership on Thursday.

      Am still waiting for the City to unveil it's plan to curb the shootings and murders.......

      There seems to be an uptick in the number of officers being attacked or killed lately. Be extra cautious in your day to day work regime...

      RIP NYPD Officer Tsakos...

      Tremendous turn out and show of support for Erie County Sheriff candidate John Garcia last night !! Was great to see !!!


      Watching the Sun morning political shows. Police reform is the topic...... More de-escalation training is needed..... How about the individuals involved listen and comply with the officers orders??? No mention of that remedy.......these people are clueless, delusional. 

      Arbitrator Selchick comes into town this week. Tues we have discipline cases, Wed- contract grievances and Thurs- IOD hearings. 

      Had a great time at LT Mike D's sendoff !!


      Happy to see Mr Suttles will be going away for 3 1/2 years after pleading guilty to one of his gun charges......

      In Albany for PCNY meetings. Thursday there are IAD interrogations. There are also informal disciplinary hearings on Thursday. Fri we have the bi-weekly webex conference with the Statewide Coalition.

      Why people don't simply comply with police officers is beyond me...


      RIP Skip McDougald

      The bodies are piling up in the city and the admin's focus is on police officers filling out paperwork.....pathetic.

      Do not discard the City's health care open enrollment letter. Even if you are not making any changes, send it back in !! They are using it as an audit to make sure they aren't paying out benefits to any deceased members as well.

      Today 4/5, we have the Board of Directors mtg. This Thurs at 1900 we have the General Membership mtg via Zoom. Coordinates will be sent out prior...

      We have IAD interrogations on Tues, Wed and Thurs.

      With all the shootings and murders occurring in our city I'm sure there is going to be mass demonstrations of outrage.....

      Happy Dyngus day to all our members of polish descent !!

      Have a Happy and safe Easter !!


      What a joke these so called police reforms are. Police aren't the problem. Simply comply with the officers orders and you won't have a problem. It is not complex.

      The PBA office is closed this Fri 4/2, in observance of Good Friday. Enjoy Easter weekend !!

      Congrats to LT's Valerie Stover-Kelly and Linda Stanchek on their pending retirements, today is their last day !!!

      RIP Trooper Gallagher. Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice.


      Praying for the officer and those killed in Boulder Colorado.

      Retired BPD Det John Garcia's first fundraiser for Sheriff is completely sold out. Great to see !!

      Congrats to all those getting promoted this afternoon. May the new position be all it is cracked up to be !!

      Have to say it is really pathetic that the politicians keep putting more and more scrutiny on police as the criminal element is running wild assaulting, shooting and killing people. 

      We're attending a seminar on IAD/50A/FOIL/Discovery this Mon Tues and Wed.

      City streets are proving to be very dangerous these days. Shootings and murders are common occurrences...


      Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley who was named as the special prosecutor in this Suttles case, found no wrongdoing on the part of our officers. Looking at the incident and applying NYS law determined the officers did nothing wrong. We look forward to their return to full duty!!!

      Next week we have a financial mtg on Monday, Tues,Wed and Thurs we have grievance and disciplinary hearings.

      Congrats to Homicide Det Jimmy Kaska on his retirement !!


      As if City businesses aren't already operating at a disadvantage due to limited parking,,,, they implement mile long school zones in order to fine drivers.....Ridiculous!!!

      On Mon Mar 1 we have the Board of Directors mtg. PCNY on Tues and Wed. Wed we have IAD interrogations, be sure to stop by the PBA office prior. Thursday at 1300 hrs is the General Membership mtg, again on Zoom. Coordinates will be texted out prior...

      RIP PO Bob McLellan - 23 yrs ago

      Congratulations to Narcotics LT Chris Kochersberger on his retirement !! Enjoy !!!

      Congrats to PO Robert Delaney on his recent retirement !! We wish him well !!

      RIP - PO Sean Godios, he will be missed...


      Am grateful that the Erie County Grand Jury saw through the charade. Mr Gugino embellished and exaggerated his fall. Through his own actions he hit his head on the ground. He arrived at Niagara Square to purposefully provoke these officers. He played many with his actions, actually made fools of them. I'm glad it's over and look forward to the officers returning to duty. Thank you Atty's Tom Burton and Joe Latona. They were ready for trial with a great deal of vindicating evidence. Thank you as well to the silent majority that stood behind these officers. 

      PO Joe Donovan has retired, from the mighty 98th!!! Wishing him well!!!


      Congrats to those getting promoted today: Capt's M. Palizay, P. Overdorf and T. Champion. LTs C. Heidinger, J. Losi, K. Quinn, A. Rivers and C. Fields!!!  Due to Covid we understand attendance is severely restricted.

      Remembering Patty Parete


      The PBA Political Action Committee voted to endorse 25 year PBA member, Ret Det John Garcia for Erie County Sheriff. 

      Monday is the Board of Directors mtg, Thursday the General Membership which will again be a Zoom mtg at 1900. 

      Congratulations going out to PO Charlie Skipper on his retirement!!! Enjoy it!!

      Congrats to Det Mark White, Det Sgt Chris Pliszka, Det Keith Fitzner, Det Joe Bonner and Det Brian Connors on being elected as PBA Detective Delegate !! Mark White and Chris Pliszka are on the Board of Directors as well. Thank you to all that ran!!


      A Go Fund Me Me page has been set up for Christian Koch who was one of the National Guard members that perished in the military helicopter crash in Mendon NY on Jan 20. The page is https://www.gofundme.com/f/christian-koch-memorial-fund?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR0BRNeKHOoaNdsA_RrZgOxqrQuWv_7uuBVqLmeSf3GpqdO0TIJ8ixaTRuU

      RIP National Guard members.

      Congrats are in order for PO Mary May!! Enjoy retirement !!

      Today we remember MLK. -live in a nation where people will not be judged by the color of their skin but on the content of their character...


      The 2021 Board of Directors for Patrol will be Tony Lebron, Nick Poblocki, AJ Ortiz, Meagan Sullivan and Kevin Kindzierski. The Detective election is forthcoming.

      Congrats to PO's Dave Fay, Joe Paolucci and Ray Harrington, they've all retired !!!

      Finalizing the paperwork with Attys Gilmour and Killilea for the pending binding interest arbitration process.


      RIP US Capitol Police Officer Sicknick

      Keep putting layers of paperwork, increased scrutiny on the cops. These are obstacles to good policing. The violent crime rate will go even higher. Moronic legislators aiding violent offenders is what is fueling crime, it is not the Cops. Understand, the Cops are not the problem....smh.

      The transfer deadline is Jan 7th at 1200 hours. I wouldn't wait til the last minute if you want to transfer.

      01-02-2021 - Happy New Year !!

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